Blog | Advanced Geosciences Inc

How can Groundwater become contaminated?

Posted by Sean on Jun 05, 2018

It’s time again for another entry in our ongoing groundwater series. Today, we’re talking about the more dangerous aspect of groundwater. Specifically, groundwater pollution and contamination. Unfortunately, there are far too many ways for us to cover in one post—but we can always revisit this topic in the future.


So, how does...

The 7 Most Common Signs of Sinkholes

Posted by Sean on Jun 04, 2018

Odds are you’ve probably seen a sinkhole before. If not in person, then on the news—as they tend to make for pretty sensational stories. It’s an exciting, albeit dangerous, natural geological phenomena that happens a lot. The aftermath is hard to miss once it occurs, but there are ways to spot a sinkhole beforehand. In this article, we’re helping you spot the 7 most common signs of sinkholes before they occur. Use these indicators when scoping out the safety of your property—it could help save a lot of risk and money!    


Before we get into our...

Customer Spotlight: 4africa | Finding Groundwater in South Sudan

Posted by Sean on May 11, 2018

In our ongoing educational series, What you need to know about Groundwater, we mentioned some organizations that help provide drinkable groundwater to areas that are desperate for it. In this post, we wanted to focus on one of those organizations—and a previous customer of ours—4africa (Previously East African Ministries/Radler Foundation).   

“4africa is a humanitarian organization based in Fort Worth, Texas that focuses on water, health, and leadership...

AGI Customer Spotlight: 4africa | Finding Groundwater in South Sudan

[INFOGRAPHIC] Groundwater Use in the U.S.

Posted by Sean on Apr 23, 2018

We’ve covered a lot so far in our groundwater educational series (But really, we’re just getting started!). Today, we want to take a closer look at The United States’ use of groundwater. Check out the infographic below to see a few ways we use groundwater in the U.S.

All data used in the infographic was sourced from The National Groundwater Association


AGI Educational Series: Groundwater Use in the United States

The Benefits of a Weak Dollar

Posted by hasan on Feb 27, 2018


Let’s face it, no one wants to hear that their currency is weak—especially Americans who may not want to hear that, as of right now, the US dollar is weak and the Euro is on top. But what if we told you that having a weak dollar was a good thing—not just for Europeans, but for American businesses as well?  Ok,...

the benefits of a weak dollar blog post

Pole-Pole Array: Electrical Resistivity Methods, Part 5

Posted by hasan on Oct 06, 2017

Electrode arrays are different arrangements of electrodes used to perform geophysical resistivity measurements. Electrode arrays were developed in order to make field measurements more efficient and data interpretation easier.

Today, we’re discussing the pole-pole electrode configuration—this is the fifth article in our series exploring 11 electrode arrays and methods. We’ve also covered the following:

AGI Pole-Pole Array Example

Pole-Dipole Array: Electrical Resistivity Methods, Part 4

Posted by hasan on Oct 06, 2017

Electrode arrays are different arrangements of electrodes used to perform geophysical resistivity measurements. Electrode arrays were developed in order to make field measurements more efficient and data interpretation easier.

Today, we’re discussing the pole-dipole array—this is the fourth article in our series exploring 11 electrode arrays and methods. We’ve also covered the following:

AGI Pole-Dipole Array Example

Dipole-Dipole​ ​Array:​ ​Electrical​ ​Resistivity​ ​Methods,​ ​Part​ ​3

Posted by hasan on Oct 06, 2017

Electrode arrays are different arrangements of electrodes used to perform geophysical resistivity measurements. Electrode arrays were developed in order to make field measurements more efficient and data interpretation easier.

Today, we’re discussing the dipole-dipole array—this is the third article in our series exploring 11 electrode arrays and methods. We’ve also covered the following:

AGI The Dipole-Dipole Array Example

Schlumberger Array: Electrical Resistivity Methods, Part 2

Posted by hasan on Oct 06, 2017

Electrode arrays are different arrangements of electrodes used to perform geophysical resistivity measurements. Electrode arrays were developed in order to make field measurements more efficient and data interpretation easier.

This is the second article in our series exploring 11 electrode arrays and methods. We’ve also covered the Wenner array. Today, we’re discussing the Schlumberger array.


What is the Schlumberger array?

The Schlumberger array is an array where four electrodes are placed in line around a...

AGI The Schlumberger Array Example

Wenner Array: Electrical Resistivity Methods, Part 1

Posted by hasan on Oct 06, 2017

Electrode arrays are different arrangements of electrodes used to perform geophysical resistivity measurements. Electrode arrays were developed in order to make field measurements more efficient and data interpretation easier. In this series, we’ll explore 11 electrode arrays. The first array we’ll discuss is the Wenner array.


What is the Wenner array?

The Wenner electrode array is the simplest of arrays; in it, the four electrodes—A, M, N, and B—are placed in line and spaced equidistant from each other. The two outer electrodes, A and B, are current electrodes,...

AGI The Wenner Array Example
