- Office Hours: M-F 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Leaks in geomembrane liners can be found by performing the ASTM D7007 test.
Disolving metal ore using acid leaching will cause dangerous geohazard voids in heap leach pad
Dry spots
Can Induced Polarization be used to detect zones of incomplete ore disollution?
Gold, copper, zinc and silver ore can be extracted via Gold Cyanidation (aka MacArthur-Dingus process). Cyanide is highly poisonous and restricted and even banned in a number of countries. Sodium Cyanide, Potassium Cyanide and Calcium Cyanide are used solvents
Acid heap leaching
Copper, Nickel and Uranium ore can be extracted using sulfuric acid in stead of Cyanide
The unwanted rock is called gangue.
There are two types of copper ore, copper oxide and copper sulfide ores.
Sulfides are more easily processed.