Identifying Archeological Remnants At Czorsztyn Castle


In August 2014, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland used AGI tools and resistivity imaging to survey the ruins of Czorsztyn Castle, a 14th-century castle located inside the boundaries of Pieniny National Park in southern Poland.

The main goal of this research was to determine if one of the stone wall remnants continues under the ground surface. A secondary goal was to identify geoelectrical anomalies that may have archeological character by using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) imaging.



Due to the limited study area and obstacles, including fences, an outbuilding, etc., the client carried out one ERT profile. It ran from west to east and was 33 meters long, with electrodes spaced every 0.5 meters. The Dipole-Dipole array was used to collect the 2D electrical resistivity imaging data set using 67 electrodes spaced 0.5 meters apart. The surveys were conducted using the AGI SuperSting™ R8, a 112-electrode SwitchBox, and EarthImager™ 2D software was used to image the data.



These instruments successfully used ERI to show archeological anomalies in the castle area. In the images, the red and yellow colors indicate higher resistivity values—they correspond to possible anomalies. The blue and green colors indicate low resistivity values, which means the area is soil.

Our client used the data to understand that remnants of a stone wall do exist beneath the soil. Researchers were also able to identify anomalies believed to be the remains of ramparts, and an area treated as an original basement.


Benefits & Similar Applications

  • The data is accurate. Archeologists, universities, and researchers know precisely where to dig and excavate.

  • The technology is adaptable. Unlike radar, resistivity imaging works in a range of  environments, including salt water, clay soil, sand, gravel, and hard rock. Archeologists can use resistivity to find clues and artifacts underwater and underground.

You can also use resistivity imaging to locate bulk aggregate material—rocks, gravel, sand, etc.—for construction use or for locating water underground.


Instruments Used